Thursday, September 3, 2009


A photo told me that people can lie so much about everything...
A photo told me that I am me, and they are them, nothing more...
A photo told me that friendship is only a word to describe status between me & u, without meaning it...

A photo told me these,
Does it do the same to you?

A photo can be so real and so fake,
Snap, snap...
U faked a smile and it's captured,
I faked an emotion and it's hidden,
Yet it can show us so much,
If u search deeper within it,
And u'll know,
That the photo is just it,
Nothing more, nothing less,
Just a photo....


Yee Teng said...

Photo is just a photo, really can't prove anythings...^^

Anonymous said...

Are you all right?
Jia you Jia you!